KT Galloway Interview: “I write to unwind and relax”

Better late than never! In my first author interview, thriller writer KT Galloway discusses her work and how her role as a psychologist helps her to craft unique and unputdownable books.

Tell me about how you came to define your writing style. What drew you towards crime fiction?

I have always been an avid reader of horror and psychological thrillers; I love Stephen King, Val McDermid, Karin Slaughter, and of course the great Agatha Christie. The idea of reading a book and solving clues as I go is one of great joy for me. My writing career started with comedy horror screenplays and I also write uplifting book club fiction, but I really wanted to get stuck into a series with great characters and lots of creepy thrills and chills, and so KT Galloway and The O’Malley and Swift series were borne.

What is your career background and how did you become a professional writer?

I am a qualified psychologist and therapist, and that’s what I studied for my masters at university. But ultimately, I just love the way the human brain works, and that blends well with writing about people and real-life (at a push) situations.

I am an agented author of uplifting book club fiction, and have been for a few years now, but I wanted to create another persona who could write all about creepy things instead of lovely things!

Where do you take your inspiration? Are there any rituals you do to get yourself in the mood for writing?

I write whenever I can. As I still work as a therapist I’m extremely busy. Especially these last two years! So I write to unwind and relax. If I sit down at my desk and no words are forthcoming I will take myself off for a walk (my young daughter permitting) or I’ll scroll social media or watch something on Netflix or read. I often find ideas come when I’m not trying to force them.

If I’m on a deadline then I set myself time limits. 15 minutes writing at a time. These bursts of productivity work well for me and my word count increases when I set these goals.

What style of writing do you enjoy yourself? Are there any particular writers you admire?

I will read anything. I LOVE books and I love getting lost in a world created by someone else. At the moment I’m reading a lot of Eve Chase who has a superpower for creating rich environments and characters. I am definitely a mood reader. If I pick something up and don’t enjoy it immediately, I will shelve it for another time. I tend to have two books on the go at once for this very reason. I don’t mind what the genre is, I’m more about the character and storyline.

If you could collaborate with any person, living or dead, on a writing project, who would it be and why?

Hands down, the amazing Agatha Christie. Her writing has that perfect mix of humour and suspense, and her characters are so much fun. I think I could learn so much from her; red herrings, plots, settings… just everything!!! Plus I think she’d enjoy a proper cup of tea with me while we’re writing.

Have you got any projects coming up that you are particularly excited about?

I am really excited about book 4 in the O’Malley and Swift series The House of Secrets. It’s playing out to be the most chilling one of the series so far. And I just love the relationship between Annie and Joe and how that is developing. It’s out in May so watch this space. You can pre-order on my amazon page here author.to/KTGalloway

Are there any new books or writers that you are looking forward to later in the year?

I read a lot! It’s essential as a writer, I think. I have already read the new Lucy Foley, The Paris Apartment, which is AMAZING, and the new Gillian McAllister, Wrong Place, Wrong Time, which is sublime. They’re both out later on this year. As well as those, I am looking forward to The It Girl by Ruth Ware as I think she writes some of the best whodunnits.

Anything you’d like to add?

Thank you so much for having me. It’s been lovely chatting with you. If readers would like to find me they can on Twitter https://twitter.com/ktgallowaybooks and Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ktgallowaybooks
I also have a newsletter where I run competitions and giveaways and you can sign up here https://sendfox.com/ktgallowaybooks

Huge thanks for answering my questions it’s been amazing to hear about your work and lovely to chat with you too.